Phlox paniculata Twist® Series
Asexual propagation strictly prohibited
Long-blooming perennials make life easy for gardeners who crave colours all Summer. It is the old-fashioned garden Phlox, the Granddaddy of the Perennial Garden which continues its display into the Autumn. There is nothing dull with Phlox and they will definitely attract attention, but they require very little of it. When everything else in the garden is fizzling out, the large Phlox flowers almost seem to glow.
The garden Phlox, botanically known as Phlox paniculata, is one of the most widely grown perennials. The plants colourful flower heads are found in nearly all sunny perennial gardens and are considered to be one of the best plants available for midsummer colour. It begins just to bloom as the summer heat set in. Phlox paniculata has large flowers heads with a distinctive, sweet fragrance, and is one of the showiest and most popular. In the warm evenings of summer, the garden will become magical at dusk as the flowers become luminescent and fill the air with perfume. It is no wonder that the name Phlox means: Sweet Dreams!
Growing Phlox is not difficult at all. This perennial usually perform well in full sun, but a little shade in mid-afternoon makes a happier plant. Phlox likes fertile, organic-rich beds with good drainage Deadheading will prolong bloom time and prevent self- seeding.
One of the prized aspects of Phlox is the fragrance. Sometimes old fashioned perennial flowers lose much of the glorious scent due to hybridization, but many Phlox varieties still have their wonderful fragrance and one of them is the Phlox paniculata TWIST® SERIES, a remarkable and bold new colour range in perennial Phlox. They are heat and humidity tolerant. The series has a compact growth habit and is very suitable for container production.
The Phlox paniculata TWIST® SERIES is available in 3 varieties, Phlox paniculata Candy Twist; Phlox paniculata Peppermint Twist and Phlox paniculata Twister. The attractive; bright; non-fading, spoke-patterned flowers are an excellent charming addition to the traditional colours of Phlox. It are real head turners with large clusters of striped flowers.As a gardener, you soon will find out that garden Phlox are the backbone of the Summer Perennial Garden.
If you are looking for a plant that will return year after year, and offers fragrance, colour and long-season bloom, there is no better choice than the perennial summer Phlox. Also ideal for cutting