Passion for hardy perennials

Verschoor Horticulture is a family-run company dedicated to the production of hardy perennials with a passion for breeding.

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About us

Verschoor Horticulture is a family-run company dedicated to the production of hardy perennials with a passion for breeding. Creating new plants is all about creating harmony. When selecting new varieties, the relationship between the flower and leaf colours, features very high on our agenda. We believe in the notion that individual plants should create a harmonious image, while contrast should come from combinations with other plants.

Over 3000 varieties

We offer a complete line for all your hardy perennial landscape and garden needs. Our list of varieties consists of over 3000 items include many new exclusive items have been added to the list of varieties.

Iris sib, Peacock Butterfly

The garden with its little gate of green,
Invites you to enter, and view mysteries unseen,
Its vine laden bowers and overhanging trees,
The air filled with sweetness, the hum of the bees,
The flagged walks with Iris galore.
Of most beautiful colouring, unknown before,
Pink, white, purple, yellow, azure blue,
Mixed and mingled of every hue,
You come away wondering, can more beauty be seen,
Than in the garden with its little gate of green.

Ha of Hardy Perennials


Export countries

We offer a complete line for all your hardy perennial landscape and garden needs. Our list of varieties consists of over 3000 items which include many exclusivities.

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Penstemon ‘Dark Towers’®

Penstemon ‘Dark Towers’®

PENSTEMON ‘DARK TOWERS’®  a new, proven introduction of Terra Nova® Nurseries, Inc. USA. Penstemon ‘Dark Towers’® has been protected by breeder rights in Europe and the USA. Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Penstemon is a popular and hardy garden plant....

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Paeonia for the production of fresh cut flowers

Paeonia for the production of fresh cut flowers

Peonies are classic garden plants that add a bit of nostalgia and charm to the garden. The peony is a hardy perennial that, once it becomes established, will flower for many years with little care. They are extremely hardy and easily withstand winter conditions. Peony...

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Mukgenia™ Nova Flame®

Mukgenia™ Nova Flame®

MUKGENIA™ NOVA FLAME®  A new genus introduced by Terra Nova® Nurseries Inc. USA Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Mukgenia™ Nova Flame® is an intergeneric cross between Bergenia and Mukdenia ‘Crimson Fans’. An intergeneric cross is a very rare type of hybrid,...

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