an introduction of Terra Nova Nurseries, Inc. USA Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Common names: Red-hot-Poker or Torch Lily Family: Asphodelaceae/liliaceae If you are looking for something ‘special’ in the garden, think about the butterfly and honeybee...
NEW INTRODUCTIONS OF VERONICA SPICATA HYBRIDS Veronica spicata hybride Younique®Baby Series The entire series is protected by breeder rights in Europe and the USA, Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited. Veronica, commonly known as Speedwell or bird’s-eye, is...
NEW INTRODUCTIONS OF VERONICA SPICATA HYBRIDS Veronica spicata hybrid BOMB Series Veronica spicata hybrid EXPLOSION Series The entire series is protected by breeder rights in Europe and the USA Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Veronica, commonly...
NEW INTRODUCTIONS OF VERONICA SPICATA X LONGIFOLIA HYBRIDS Veronica hybrid Atomic Ray Series The entire series is protected by breeder rights in Europe and the USA Asexual propagation is strictly prohibited Veronica, commonly known as Speedwell or bird’s-eye, is...
HARDY PHLOX PANICULATA ON THE MOVE Phlox paniculata Top Shelf plus® Series Asexual propagation strictly prohibited Long-blooming perennials make life easy for gardeners who crave colours all Summer. It is the old-fashioned garden Phlox, the Granddaddy of the Perennial...