

If there would be any perennial which is in de centre of interest today, it is Echinacea. During the past decade Echinacea has been outgrown from an old-fashioned plant to a modern, multicoloured group of shapely, well-formed plants Echinacea belongs to the composite...


There are about 50 species known of the hardy herbaceous perennial Heuchera. Heuchera belongs to the same Saxifragaceae family like Astilbe and Bergenia. The name Heuchera has been derived from Mr. Johann Heinrich von Heucher. Mr. Von Heucher was born in 1677 in the...


Common name: Plantain Lily Hostas are one of the most popular perennials sold all over the globe. These shade tolerant plants, with a wide variety of sizes, leaf shapes, colours and patterns are the passion of countless hobbyists, collectors, breeders, clubs and...
Hosta Empress Wu

Hosta Empress Wu

Hosta Sieboldiana Hybrid Empress wuthe largest hosta of the world!!!! Our readers might remember that in my in introductory of the Hosta article of the November issue, I wrote the following: ‘Hostas are one of the most popular perennials sold all over the globe. These...


Synonym: Senecio Common names: Golden Groundsel ;Golden Ray; Leopard Plant; Ragwort Ligulariabelongs to the family of Asteracea. The name Ligularia can be traced back to the Latin name ligüla, a diminutive of lingüa which means tongue. It alludes to the fact that the...